Maximize Your Tax Return: Invest in Clearer Vision
Spring is the season of renewal and rejuvenation, with the trees budding, the birds singing, and tax refunds being deposited! As we emerge from the cocoon of winter and warm… read more

How Much Screen Time Can Your Eyes Handle?
As the temperatures drop, do you find yourself spending more time in front of your TV? It’s football season, so it’s only natural to want to root on the Vikings!… read more

Is It Dry Eye Or Allergies?
Have you ever experienced burning, irritation, or scratchiness in your eyes? Did it make you wonder if you have dry eyes or allergies? Dry eye and allergies are two of… read more

Research Studies – We Need You!
Dry Eye Study Do you experience eye dryness, irritation, or burning? You may be able to participate in a research study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational eye drop… read more

Eye Care Traveling Tips
Whether you’re dreaming of skiing on the fresh powder in Vail or reading a book under a palm tree in Mexico, now’s a popular time of year for a quick… read more

Winter is Coming – and so is Dry Eye
As winter approaches, dry eye symptoms may become more noticeable as environmental factors can have a significant impact on the comfort of your eyes. Not only does the cold weather… read more

Patient Testimonial Videos
There’s no question about it – we have the best patients around. We’re beyond lucky (and grateful!) to receive generous Thank You notes from our patients on a regular basis,… read more

Ocular Surface Disease Patient Education Webinars – Register Today!
The first Ocular Surface Disease Patient Education Webinar will be taking place on Tuesday, October 13th from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. These unique webinars offer an abundance of information on Dry Eye/Ocular… read more

The Dry Eye study at Minnesota Eye Consultants is a publically funded, nation-wide project that examines the use of Omega 3 (a component of fish oil supplements) in treating symptoms… read more

Learn More About Dry Eye Syndrome
Do you have dry, irritated eyes? Dry eyes affect millions of people throughout the world. With Dry Eye Specialists, and breakthrough treatment options like LipiFlow and Intense Pulsed Light Therapy,… read more