Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

Seeing Clearly: Dispelling LASIK Myths 

Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, or LASIK, has revolutionized vision correction, offering a life-changing solution for millions of glasses and contact wearers worldwide. Yet, depside its proven efficacy and widespread… read more

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in Cataract

Maximize Your Tax Return: Invest in Clearer Vision

Spring is the season of renewal and rejuvenation, with the trees budding, the birds singing, and tax refunds being deposited! As we emerge from the cocoon of winter and warm… read more

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

Choosing a LASIK Surgeon

Choosing a LASIK Surgeon: Factors to Consider for Successful Vision Correction LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Kertomileusis) has revolutionized vision correction, offering freedom from glasses and contact lenses for millions of… read more

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

No Better Time for LASIK

Does this sound familiar? You step out of your house with your face mask, intent on running a few errands, and then, the second the fresh air hits your face,… read more

Family having fun on a beach

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

6 Ways Getting LASIK Helps Your Family

Summer is the best, especially since you get more time with your family! Considering LASIK but aren’t quite sold? Keep reading to learn how getting LASIK can help your family!… read more

LASIK bloomington minnesota

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

7 Reasons To Get LASIK In Bloomington This Summer!

If you live in Bloomington, then you already know how great our city is! We’ve got culture, farmers markets, a great brewery scene, and a booming downtown. Summer is right… read more

Woman on a couch reading a book

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

There’s No Better Time For LASIK Than Now!

Tired of glasses and contacts? If you’re ready to trade the cost and upkeep of glasses and contacts for LASIK, now is the time! Like any surgical procedure, LASIK may… read more

Woman on a couch

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

Reassuring Reasons To Get LASIK

You’re thinking about it. You know a few people that have had LASIK and are secretly envious. You’re not even sure why you’re hesitating. You figured out how to cover… read more

Happy couple outside

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

20 Things To Look Forward To After LASIK

Thinking about LASIK? You’re likely considering price, recovery, and other factors. But before you get in too deep, don’t forget about things you can look forward to after LASIK! It’s… read more

Laughing women with coffee

Posted by: Minnesota Eye Consultants in LASIK

Why LASIK Is Worth It

Are you considering LASIK but still not sure if the benefits of the procedure are worth the cost? You may also be wondering if LASIK is really as safe as… read more