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LASIK and PRK are types of refractive eye surgery. They treat vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

LASIK vs. PRK can be a difficult decision, especially if you qualify for both procedures. The good news? Both procedures are very similar! However, there are differences between the two, and the best way to decide is to way the options and discuss what works best for you with your surgeon.

What happens during LASIK vs. PRK?

Both LASIK and PRK use a laser to reshape the cornea, the clear outer layer of your eye that focuses light so you can see clearly. But they do it in slightly different ways. LASIK creates a thin flap in the cornea. PRK removes the outer layer of the cornea, which grows back over time.

Which procedure has a longer recovery time?

After PRK, you’ll have a bandage contact lens in your eye. The lens protects your eye and helps it heal. You’ll need to avoid intense activity for at least the first week after PRK or LASIK. Don’t rub your eyes. It could damage your cornea. Wear sunglasses for as long as the eye doctor tells you to. Sun exposure can scar your cornea and cause vision problems.

Recovery from LASIK is faster. Many people can see clearly within a few hours. It can take a week or more to have clear vision after PRK.

How do you know which is right for you?

The only way to know for sure if LASIK or PRK is right for you is to have a LASIK consultation.

Based off how your eyes perform during the exam, we’ll be able to determine if LASIK or PRK is right for you. Not every patient is a good candidate for LASIK or PRK, so it’s important to know your other options.

Ready to make your vision correction dreams come true? Call us today and see if you qualify for a free consultation!